Meeting my surrogate was like finding ‘the one.’

By Sarah Wright & Jenna Yates

I never understood when people would say “I don’t remember life before having kids…” until I became a parent myself. Maybe that’s because I always wanted to be a mother. 

When I was asked as a 5-year-old schoolgirl what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always “married with a baby.” Little did I know it would be the most hard and painful process I’ve ever experienced… and no, I’m not describing childbirth because I did not actually give birth to my daughter, Evie. Our surrogate Danni did.

My husband Ben and I met Danni, 7 years after I was diagnosed with cervical cancer and lost the chance to ever carry a baby. Meeting her was like finding “the one”.

Danni, her husband Troy, and their 3 kids are family now. Evie is only 3, so she wouldn’t be able to understand it just yet but she knows they are special. We celebrate all the big and little milestones of her life together, and we still use the group chat we set up at the start of our surrogacy journey. 

I was waiting for so long to welcome my baby… and I’m so grateful to say Evie has expanded and completed our family in more ways than we could ever have imagined.

*** Hear Sarah’s full surrogacy story in episode two of How Motherhood Changed Me: ‘I went through menopause before I became a mum.’


It takes a village to make it work


Let’s redefine what it means to ‘become a Mum.’